Kevin and I went to Macon TC for Sunday morning service. Even though a lot of our men have gotten jobs and cannot come, we had 4 new men so we got to enjoy service with 10 amazing men of God. The praise and worship was amazing and the men really turned their praises towards God. Then I turned the service over to Kevin who ministered on “The Words of Your Testimony” using text from Rev. 10:10-11 and Heb. 11:1,6-7,12,17.
Kevin and I went to Macon TC for Sunday morning service. Even though a lot of our men have gotten jobs and cannot come, we had 4 new men so we got to enjoy service with 10 amazing men of God. The praise and worship was amazing and the men really turned their praises towards God. Then I turned the service over to Kevin who ministered on “The Words of Your Testimony” using text from Rev. 10:10-11 and Heb. 11:1,6-7,12,17.

Your testimony is the life you live, your walk, your life … not what you have to say, but what others say about you.

All of us have put our hope into something else. We need to put our hope in Him. The ark was built by a bunch of amateurs and it never sank The Titanic was built by experts and sank the first time it went out. If God gives you something to do, even if you don’t feel qualified, God will take care of it. We don’t have to help God!

There was a covenant between God and Abraham. A covenant cannot be broken. Some of you know that God has a job for you and you’re scared. What’s too hard for your God? It’s your time. It’s time for you to step up and be the man God called you to be. All of the men went up for prayer to trust God and do what God wants them to do. While Stephen was playing some music, Kevin prayed individually with each one of them. It was an awesome service.