HAYS STATE PRISON - Jan. 6, 2013

We had 34 come in to the church service. There would have been more but they were screening closely those who were attempting to come in due to an incident they had the night before. The men who were there were eagerly ready for whatever God had for them.

I had an inmate open in prayer and then “Big Mo” came up and lead the men in a few choruses. Then“Concrete” came up and did a song that he had written. Ms. Emily followed with a few songs while playing her tambourine.

Pastor Kevin followed with a sermon entitled “Forward.” He emphasized that now is the time to make the choice to go forward.
He used he following scriptures to emphasize several thoughts:
Matt 19:38 - take up your cross 
Philippians 3:11-12 - saved but not there yet
Philippians 3:13-14 - forgetting the past
Acts 9:13-16 - people will look at your past but you must keep going forward and let go.

Eleven men came up for prayer. It was an awesome service! God is so good!!!